Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Why this blog ….

Why this blog ….

“Jivan pag pag ek sadhana  hain”.

 The  simple  meaning of this  phrase  is that for a  balanced happy  life, I should  say  a  life that complete in all respect,  theses  two factor  are  important and if we are able  to understand  the  meaning  of the sadhana, not in the  sense just reciting some  secret holy words with rosary  but how  to live properly is  also can be  consider as  a part of the sadhana .

The   sadhana  and  life  both  are  interrelated,  we cannot  separate   one  from other but in the  today’s practical  world, where a  common man has  very  less time,  hardly  theses two aspects found  properly balanced. Here in this blog my view to write little insight what  I learnt / understood  on these subject so for …and still learning

Learning  never stops……

I am just a student(learner) on this  vast and fathomless world of sadhana and life….

In coming posts  I will  discuss  various  aspect of sadhana and life  related topics   that  are necessary to  understand as  I think so ……….

 And with my limited understanding on these subject …..  I  do  hope  so  it will help .

Its  not necessary   that everyone should  agree, definitely each one  has  his own view  so if anyone  not agree or has  different view  on some points  than consider  all this  material as a  fiction  or gulp  or hearsay.

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