Thursday, April 17, 2014

Importance of money

Importance  of   money

Why I choose  to write on this  topic because  for a successful happily living  importance  of  money cannot   be  underestimated. since  a  solid  financial  ground  help  you to achieve  your   goal more easily  either in spiritual side or in material side. Being a  spiritual person or  a sadhak  does not means  that  you should take  importance  of money  lightly, if  it is  so than surely later or sooner  person will  suffer.

Usually  what happens  in life,  when a person whose inclination is too much on the  spiritual side  often neglect  this  money side, thinks that  now  he has  to  more concentrate  on spiritual. what  is reality of life is far behind for him, he is never able  to understand  that  if he has a  solid  financial  back  or  having  good  monetary  background  than  he  can very peacefully march on the path of sadhana.

Earning  a  good amount  of  money and  live a happy comfortable peaceful life generally  considered just opposite to spiritual life. one  can not image  a true sadhak  can live or lead  luxury life. But money or luxury  not  creating  any obstruction  for  a  spiritual life,  in fact  they   can  provide  much  help. the sadhana  is  much related  to inner  world, but  for that too, a real solid support is  needed  until  you achieved  great spiritual  heights.

So it is  at most  importance  to understand  this. generally  when we initially tread on this  path our view is much influenced  by others  or some  fancy thought lies in our mind  that  we  will do  this  and  that too in so much time  but  after spending some  time, on the path divine, we  found that   our  life  instead of   became  easy become more  complicated. this is not the era  that  one  go to forest  and achieve success in his  sadhana  over  there. Things   and time   change a lot  and  majority  of  us live  in the same  idea  and  we  try to copy  the  life  of some  great  souls, but it was their  life and  that era/environment/social life were totally different to what we are living now and one  should understand  that no two person are same  in this  world, how it is  justifiable to copy  others  life  that too  blindly.

Majority of the  great souls or  one  can say param yogis/sadhak/siddhas,  who  achieved  success and  those name are shine like a sun  in the  sky, this or that way related  to very rich family  or were  from royal family. either they have many brothers  or other  family members (having enough capabilities)  who could take the  responsibility of their  mother, father and other dear one. i am agree  that  some of them belongs  to middle class  family but can we imagine their hardship. When, now a day  nuclear  families are common, now a days the people  not having  much  time  to solve  even their  own  problem, than who has  time  to  look  your  family And its totally unwisely   to set aside the welfare of the whole family and  close  our eyes from  their side .

One  should  work hard   to earn money( offcourse thorough legitimate way)  since  hardworking  qualities also  helpful on the  path divine. Patience is also  a key to success.  Theses  two tools   are a great help  to those  who want success in either aspect of the life. Ultimate success on the path divine is not a  question  of a  week or months hard work  but  it’s a  journey  that may take  several years of hard working and  there is  no  guarantee that you will get success even after  so many years.

Its  rightly says  that   success is a journey and  its  not a  destination that too be  achieved. so its  quite  obvious that in journey …money importance  always   be. Here, my emphasis  is on the point that  one  should  not be a money making  machine. But  he should wisely  divide his daily activity/ time  so that  every aspect  of life be fulfilled. Yes I am agree that its not so easy as it seems but one  can hope  and  try  his best. otherwise  if  you,  for a  moment achieve  success  that  too, on the price  of your health or the happiness/well being  of your  near and  dear one, what will be the use  of that. So one  should  not be  so selfish.

If  we  plan our life wisely taking into consideration of all our responsibilities and liabilities and  because of  that,  may be our  speed  on the  path  divine  will  be  too  slow  but   that  would  be  much appreciable, since we are not showing back to the real life challenges  but  facing them bravely and also moving on the path divine.

Success on the path divine  depends  upon many factors and one can devote/invest most of  his valuable time only, when he  have  some solid background, otherwise sadhana path may be  highly trouble some for him and without the  peace  of mind, how  one can concentrate/put his heart on his  sadhana.

Here sadhana may be of any kind but one should not forget that no path is  easy, lots of visible  and  hidden challenges/tests are always waiting  for  him.

It would be  nice  if one proceed on this  path  with slowly and  firmly way, though  progress  may be  too less  but you are  a winner. you don’t have  to sacrifice  either aspect of life, you do not have  to compare your life/aim/goals with others. You  have  to  be just  your self. others has  to achieve  their life  goals, fulfill their destiny  but you have  to yours. 

One should  not has  this  impression that  through sadhana  one  will  be  so rich  within a  week or two. That is not possible. there is no such a things,  the life is very unpredictable, what lies ahead  who knows, one should  have  his  feet firmly on solid  ground(the reality of life).

may be, you can limit  your various  material wishes  but should  have  enough to  fulfill your basic material needs and something little more for  to face  odd days and  from the family point  of  view   you  must be  able  to fulfill their needs and  wishes  as  per  your circumstances. one should not force his view even how spiritual they  are  on others. each one  has  full freedom   to live his life without creating problems  to others.

So  one  should  be  courageous and  winner  on both the  aspect of life, though  initially it may  very difficult   but  your inner  achievement  will  be  not  only  joy  for  you  but  it’s a  pride for  your near and dear ones . 

Have a nice  day

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