Wednesday, April 23, 2014

why sitting straight is a must

why  sitting  straight  is  a must

Dear  friends,

       here  in this post, I am  continuously taking  the  topic that though they are seems  to very  insignificant one but from  the    point of  view of a  new  comer  in this  field,  they  may be  helpful   to understand  why  some   rules are instructed  to  do and  what is reason behind that  so some  basic  information  be  available  on a  place, step  by step I will be  moving to  the  topic  easier  one  to  complicate  one.

So in this  post,  my aim to discuss why we  are being instructed  to  sit  perfectly  straight  while  doing any type  of sadhana?

To understand  this, we already aware  of the  facts  that  the  human   body  comprises  of  so many divine chakra (spiritually it is  believed  that)  some  says   seven,  some  highly  accomplished  yogi  claimed  that   may  more than means 108.well, this  topic  will  be  discussed on appropriate  time, but   here  we  are sure that   there  are   divinity  in the human body and   some  form of   divine  energy  always  lies  inside  us, while  we  do  some  spiritual  process this  divine  energy  flow increases  in our body. Generally,  it  rises  from lower  part  of the   body to   higher   part i.e.  from   Muladhar  chakra  to  Shahastradhaar  chakra. apart from  that our breathing process  also works  normally  when  person sit straight.  Also  it has  been well observed that when  person sit  in straight position the  earth’s gravity  force  affects  on his  body  is minimum.

Though   energy   can flow  in any direction   may be  straight one  to curve  one but straight  path (upwards) would  be a  better one  on the  point of  rising  the  divine  energy. Suppose  we  sit on  the  Aasan/sitting  mat  with inclination  than  this  divine  energy  may move  to  other  part of  body  or  it can changes  its   path  that  would  be  danger to  the person. it  should  be  clearly  understand  that  the  person or the sadhak  should  have  to  sit  as straight   as  possible. Though  for  some  it could  be  difficult  in the   initially  but  can   be  achieved  with  in  some  weeks/months.

Sometimes  desired   result  in   the  specific sadhana  may be  delayed  or  create  some  problem  because  of  sitting  posture. where  this   is   creating  problem  specially  in yog  sadhana  specially if  one  in engaged in kundalini activation  sadhana. Since here  person own effort  and  body position  plays   great  role, while   doing the  same means  want to achieve  same  result  in kundalini  activation, if  a person   use   any mantra   sadhana  than   it  will  be    helpful. Anyway   this   type  of sadhana  through either  way, one must  do under  the    guidance  of  a  competent  spiritual master  not  by  own half baked knowledge.  

It is  not  necessary to  sit   in padamasan  or  lotus  position   while  doing   the sadhana.  Though  it has    great    effects   but   it is very difficult  for  a novice,  so it    is much  better   not  to  initially  practice  this,  otherwise  very harmful  result  could  appear  on the  body and  because  of pain in body  if you do not  able  to sit  comfortably  or relax  what purpose  will  that serve.  So instead  of   following any books or  any one  advice,  its  better  much healthier  to  sit   in any position that is  much  comfortable  to you. always remember  this. One  should  sit comfortably in a  aasan That  is  known  as a sukhaasan  simply means   sitting  comfortably. if  our friends  who is  not  comfortable   to   sit   on the  sukhaasan than ask  advice  from   someone  or  sit  on  small table   that   is  helpful  for  him  or  otherwise  seek  help  from  some expert.

Have  a  nice   day   

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