Friday, April 18, 2014

Family and the sadhana

Family and  the sadhana

Dear friends,
It is commonly found that  family(member of the family)  does not  support us, when question arise regarding sadhana matters, majority of  sadhak specially new one expressing their thought with these words and it is  found  it is  true but  up to a certain level. its natural that modern days life becoming more and more complicate and  need  to  fulfill both hand needs  is  so much  tough  than a common person hardly can get time  for sadhana. when someone in our family tries to has some inclination regarding sadhana, other member of the family  just has opposite  view.

What will happen through sadhana, whether one may able  to show miracles in some  predefined  time or able  to  do  some  wonderful. there is  no surety/guarantee about  it, so in the  eyes of  others its just a  waste of valuable  time. new sadhak  when  try to  devote  more and more time in sadhana, this  is  natural initially this  happens. when equilibrium of his life  shifts a little  bit  theses opposition will be more and more.

Why not this  will happen, at least member of our  family  worries  about  us and for  our well being.  when in this  present time so much fraud happening the name  of divine path and this divine  science i.e. sadhana. why should  not they has to worried. Daily news  of  so much fraud in the name of  sadhana  shakes our  heart and  souls.

Anyway what is more important that is to win favor of our near and dear one, do your assigned duty  and assigned responsibilities with full heart and promise to yourself that should not involve any  anti social activity or should not take any unrealistic task that will harmful  to you and  your family prestige , in the name of  sadhana.

Since  there  are various  types of  sadhana  and  there were  various  rumors/false stories  spread  in the  name  of sadhana so its quite natural reason for  their  worries. now  so many cheating/fraud cases  comes into picture  in the name of sadhana so one  should  be  very careful and if he has  with  him  the  trust of  his  family member  than it will be so good.

You should provide  update  to your elder one  from  time  to  time  so  no fraud  can be possible.

Another important point is that initially, when a new sadhak entered in the world of sadhana he  will  devote  much  time in that and invest  very less  time  in family matters that should not be happened. a proper  balance is always needed. one should not forgot that the real world is  standing  on the present realities not  on the future possibilities. so  the material  world  reality also  keep in  our  mind.

If  one is a  student and  has inclination in this  field  than  he  should  have  promise  to  himself that because of  his  sadhanatmak activity his  study  should not get affected/suffered and  other member of his  family should not blame sadhana for his decreasing grade so he must have his main concentration on his study first than the question of sadhana field arises. if he has a solid  background  of  study than it will help  for  him  to understand various  aspects  of  the sadhana world, so many  great  authors  has written so much about this spiritual  field, for to  understand  that  and  improve  himself, having a proper  education  base  also  be important  factor.

Various sadhanatmak books contains so much complexities than to proper understanding them,  if  one  has  a hard working  habit regarding  reading and  study  also  helpful.

If one is a working  person than he must has  to   first concentrate  on his  professional activities  after that he  has  to manage   his  remaining time in such a  way so a proper balance  arises. if  you  are house  wife  than your  first  priority to fulfill needed family duty towards your husband and  children and after  that  if some  remaining  time  you have than plan your sadhanatmak activity in such a  way  that  no conflicts will arise and if there is conflicts  than have  discussion with elders  and  dear  ones  so a solution can be  found.

if that is not  possible  than you have  to look,  where  in day  time you find  time in that no one  disturbs  you, selects  that  time.

In the  beginning  do not  expects  that  everybody is  ready to provide you his  full  cooperation  but  your sincerity on this  path your ability to manage  your responsibilities  surely  provide   you  a way. Inwardly continues  pray to god to  guide you  a  right direction. Frequents quarrels in the name of sadhana is  not justifiable.

In the  name  of sadhana   you  do not   have  to sacrifice   your  family happiness   or  your  health .

One  should  be  happy and  energetic, those  who are in this  field  or want to enter   sadhana   field, why need  to make tense face  or worried  face, this  will be no  help either  your spiritual side  or  family front  but  having  a pleasant voice  and  smiling  face  with caring attitude for  others,  will win    situation. one  who  really has  a deep love  and  devotion towards  god, how  he  can be in sad mood.

 it should happen when anyone  sit  or talk    to you,  his  heart also  fills  with  the  divine  energy that  you are carrying in your heart  and  souls and off course  in  your face. remember  you  do not have  to just  make false smile. That will not  serve the purpose. Off course its being said that our  emotion has  direct relation  with our  face so, if  we  try to  smile  or having smiling face  than naturally  our inwardly our emotion definitely will change.

Another  important   point is  that unnecessary  donation in the  name  of charity,  in this  regards  I should  say   keep in mind   that  should  be always  according  to the size your pocket after  considering all  aspect. if any time you  have to  take decision regarding something big than you must  have  prior discussion  with   your  near and  dear one so that a  proper  family  supports  always   be there, and  they are also   have  in impression that   you are giving  due  respect to  their view.

So when everybody  happy  that  should be a  great  help on your  path. if  someone not agree  to your  view  at least   have  discuss  with them. they  are   your  dear one, in time of  need  everybody support  you since  you are also  giving respect  to views, showing  that you cared them. one  should  not   sacrifice  his  material  life/health  and  family responsibilities/happiness  and  duties in the name  of sadhana. At least   one  should  always  try  for  his  best so  that a healthy  environment can  be  developed in your home. one  great   yogi has said  that  the  environment is  more powerful than  will power.

Have a nice  day  

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