Saturday, April 19, 2014

Why sadhana so necessary

Why sadhana  so necessary

Dear  friends,

“The sadhana”  words has a very  vast meaning , every aspect   of  life  can  be included  in it, what you need, just change the way to see the  world around you. from sport  to home,  from  professional life  to personal matters  all  can be  included  in it. either  you want to  be  doctor or engineer, than indirectly or directly you have  to follow the  certain  rules/discipline  that can be said   the sadhana. So this  word  has  a  very vast meaning,  but here,  our meaning   of this  words   is  regarding  spiritual   or Aadhtym side.

So many path, so many  types of sadhana, we know. in coming  post I will  write  in details  about but here this post concentrate  on the  aspect of  importance  of sadhana  in our life.

 first  thing  what a  sadhana  can do for  us,  to  induce  some  discipline   in our  life. in any way,  you  have   to   have  some  time   to make  your practice/sadhana. you are ready to learn  what is  the  real  meaning  of   the  word “balance  in life” and how  should  it  be applicable to.

 In the health  point of view  this  can also be  considered  since  at least  you have   some  time   to sit  coolly and peacefully at a place. your bp  and  other  body  function have  some relaxation. What  that is  not possible in  modern  life, most of  the  people   does not know  how  to relax  so in this  way  they/we  learn to  relax.

When your mind and  body  have  some  relaxation, than more  energy  flows  in you result is that  you are  able  to work   with more efficiently  and effectively and that  too in right direction.

So that are some  general benefits. but on spiritual  field  your  progress  now  starts though  very slowly in the  beginning but  as  you advances in the path of sadhana, you will  find  much  peace and  better understanding  of life  or the matters related  to life,  your  view  will be more clear, and   have a heart  that  have  feelings  for  others and   have a  gratitude  towards the  god.

Through  sadhana, you can  have a subtle links  to higher divine  energy field, you can name  that what ever  you want. when you are  doing a  right sadhana  as  directed  by some  higher souls/great souls/accomplished  yogis. you will find  initially,  may be  it seems  little  bit  difficult   to  follow  the  instruction  but as soon  as  your  mind  and  body   have   some  relation  with the  new  divine energy, you will find   much peace  and   you  all  legitimate   desired  goals   are   coming within  your reach. Every  problem of your  life   will  be  solved  though it success  depends  upon many factors.

Through sadhana  your life span can be  increased ,your  wealth related  problem,  your health related  problem, material life related  problem   can be   solved up to a desired level. a proper  discipline  comes  to your life. whatever  your wishes(legitimate  one)  you  are progressing on the  path to materials  that. though its  not a easy  task,  and success can not be  achieved  within a day  or  two,but  you have  too  work hard in this  field.

The sadhana  cannot  be  considered  opposite to  work, as it seems  but this  is  a  higher  level of  karm. through sadhana   you  are  able  to know    your hidden qualities and   your hidden powers some times  miraculous  one  also  possible. many such stories  we  all know  already. But  it depends  which sadhana  process   you are  following ,  what are  the  instruction  and   who is  giving that  and  most  importantly  how   you are  following them.

Many times  its  been written that  a man is  true  image  of  god  or  man is  most  important   object in  whole  creation of  the god,  so  what is  that   qualities  and   how  we  are able  to achieve  that   the  way is  only  through sadhana. otherwise  our  whole  life  is like a  machine. we have  read  so many  true  stories of spiritual  giants  or related to some highly accomplished  yogis   how  they  can perform the miracles, naturally   through  knowing that  divine  rules or divine  power  which  lies  inside us    about   which  we  know  not .  but here   again through sadhana   this  can be  possible.

 One  thing  should  be  clearly   understood  that   this path   contains  various  obstacles,  many tests  many trials   and  very very  difficult   hardship, even crossing all those  does not guarantee  that     after  that  you  will   have  some  power. what we  read  about  those  great ones  miraculous  powers  stories  but hardly  we come  across  the  sadhana  life details of them. If you  have  read or opportunities    comes  to read  such a  book  you will  find   how lengthy and hard   their path   were.

In this  world  nothing  comes  free,  so  we should be ready    to  work  very hard  with smiling face   and  have clear  understanding that  the  journey to this  path is  not easy.

 A  proper   balanced   life  of  having totalities   in life, that  can be  achieved  through sadhana and  if we  are able to  do  our best  for  our nation,  our society   for  our   family  and   have  achieved  equal  level of success in our sadhana, than a  life  can be  said   complete   one. Otherwise  only  having success in the  material  world , cannot  achieve  totality  of the life .
 think about a  minute .

Have  a nice  day

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