Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Importance of disha (direction)

Importance  of  disha (direction)

Dear  friends,

How  are  you, hoping  positively  that  you all  are happy  and  have  in good  health.

In any type  of sadhana,  the  direction means  a sadhak  should  be  sitting  facing  some  particular direction  that  may  be  east or west or south etc. why  is it so much  important?. whenever  you have  opportunities  to  go through various  spiritual books specially  that   one,  which  contains   sadhana in details, you would  find   that there  is always  a  instruction,  a sadhak should have  to sit  facing  a  particular/specific  direction  why ? why there is a need  to  sit facing  specific  direction?  What is  the  affects  on the  result  if  one  doesn’t interested  to follow  that  instruction.?

Reason is  very simple  our  ancient  rishies (a  divine  highly  accomplished  soul)  were  also   the  scientist, they were  able  to understand  that  there  are  various  types of rays coming  from a  each direction  though  invisible and  harmless  but  if a person follows  that  it will be  good  for him either  mentally,  physically  or   spiritually. Like,  if a  person  sleeps in such  a way that his/her  head  will be  east facing  and  feet   towards west  facing. He/she  will   have    a good  chance  to have sound  sleep. If  right angle  to this   direction means   north—south direction   than   he  will   have  some  problem in sleeping, reason is  simple  the earth  natural magnetic field  lies in  north  to south direction facing   and  if  we sleep   90 degree  to that direction we  know  that our  body also has  some  magnetic  behavior  so  we  sleep  90  degree  to the  earth natural  magnet direction, resultant  force  upon  our  body  will be  zero.

But we  sleep  parallel to  the earth magnet than resultant   force  will be  more,  so its your  choice. like  that  in the Hindu  way of life, when  someone dead, relative  of that fellow   put the  dead  body on the  ground  facing  north  to  south   direction, here   decay process  of the  body will  be  more faster, this is the reason behind  that. Whether that  should be north  to  south  or south   to  north facing,  there is  deep  meaning and not only simple process  but  scientific  logic  behind  that.

Similarly, for example while  doing  meditation   sometimes it is  mentioned  that sadhak  should  have  to  sit  facing  north  direction, it is  believed   that  from  north direction very pleasant  invisible  waves  emerges  that   help  to  concentrate  and good  for   spiritual process   that may be  related  to  bring positive  result for  the  person who is  doing that,  also  from the   surrounding. This  is the very  simple   reason behind.

As  we  move  deeper  in the  spiritual  field,  we  found   that     spiritual teacher   instructs  some  time  sit  facing  in  any  specific  direction  why  they    do so?  reason may   be  known   by them. here  this is  important that   no direction is  absolutely  good     and  no direction is  bad. here  direction facing that which  we have  to  follow, may be  changeable  depending  upon the  day time/night time and  upon the season also. sometimes for a particular deity one  should   have  to  sit  in a  specific  direction depending  upon the  type  of sadhana, depending the   which  sects/its  teaching  one  is  following, depending  upon the  outcome  of that  sadhana, the  direction  is  changes.

Like  female  deity sadhana specially  wealth provider related  can be  done   in night  time   facing   west direction, sometimes south facing.  this  totally depend upon the  sadhana  deity. each  sadhana  and its  assigned  direction  are  different. There is  no  fix  rule. 

Generally, sitting facing north direction,  consider  very  good  and  auspicious  for  sadhana  that  bring happiness, joy, prosperity and  positivity  to sadhak and the  society.

 In coming post, whenever opportunities arises  we  will  discuss  this  topic  in details.

Waiting for  your kind  comment.

Have a  nice  day.

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