Wednesday, April 23, 2014

why sitting straight is a must

why  sitting  straight  is  a must

Dear  friends,

       here  in this post, I am  continuously taking  the  topic that though they are seems  to very  insignificant one but from  the    point of  view of a  new  comer  in this  field,  they  may be  helpful   to understand  why  some   rules are instructed  to  do and  what is reason behind that  so some  basic  information  be  available  on a  place, step  by step I will be  moving to  the  topic  easier  one  to  complicate  one.

So in this  post,  my aim to discuss why we  are being instructed  to  sit  perfectly  straight  while  doing any type  of sadhana?

To understand  this, we already aware  of the  facts  that  the  human   body  comprises  of  so many divine chakra (spiritually it is  believed  that)  some  says   seven,  some  highly  accomplished  yogi  claimed  that   may  more than means 108.well, this  topic  will  be  discussed on appropriate  time, but   here  we  are sure that   there  are   divinity  in the human body and   some  form of   divine  energy  always  lies  inside  us, while  we  do  some  spiritual  process this  divine  energy  flow increases  in our body. Generally,  it  rises  from lower  part  of the   body to   higher   part i.e.  from   Muladhar  chakra  to  Shahastradhaar  chakra. apart from  that our breathing process  also works  normally  when  person sit straight.  Also  it has  been well observed that when  person sit  in straight position the  earth’s gravity  force  affects  on his  body  is minimum.

Though   energy   can flow  in any direction   may be  straight one  to curve  one but straight  path (upwards) would  be a  better one  on the  point of  rising  the  divine  energy. Suppose  we  sit on  the  Aasan/sitting  mat  with inclination  than  this  divine  energy  may move  to  other  part of  body  or  it can changes  its   path  that  would  be  danger to  the person. it  should  be  clearly  understand  that  the  person or the sadhak  should  have  to  sit  as straight   as  possible. Though  for  some  it could  be  difficult  in the   initially  but  can   be  achieved  with  in  some  weeks/months.

Sometimes  desired   result  in   the  specific sadhana  may be  delayed  or  create  some  problem  because  of  sitting  posture. where  this   is   creating  problem  specially  in yog  sadhana  specially if  one  in engaged in kundalini activation  sadhana. Since here  person own effort  and  body position  plays   great  role, while   doing the  same means  want to achieve  same  result  in kundalini  activation, if  a person   use   any mantra   sadhana  than   it  will  be    helpful. Anyway   this   type  of sadhana  through either  way, one must  do under  the    guidance  of  a  competent  spiritual master  not  by  own half baked knowledge.  

It is  not  necessary to  sit   in padamasan  or  lotus  position   while  doing   the sadhana.  Though  it has    great    effects   but   it is very difficult  for  a novice,  so it    is much  better   not  to  initially  practice  this,  otherwise  very harmful  result  could  appear  on the  body and  because  of pain in body  if you do not  able  to sit  comfortably  or relax  what purpose  will  that serve.  So instead  of   following any books or  any one  advice,  its  better  much healthier  to  sit   in any position that is  much  comfortable  to you. always remember  this. One  should  sit comfortably in a  aasan That  is  known  as a sukhaasan  simply means   sitting  comfortably. if  our friends  who is  not  comfortable   to   sit   on the  sukhaasan than ask  advice  from   someone  or  sit  on  small table   that   is  helpful  for  him  or  otherwise  seek  help  from  some expert.

Have  a  nice   day   

Aasan (sitting mat)

Aasan (sitting  mat)

Dear  friends,

How  are you,

In  any  type  of  sadhana, this  is  an essential  object. What is the use of it? This  is now a  well proven facts  that  our  body  also has  some  magnetic  power  and  when we  do  reciting  of any mantra  or  sitting  straight  for  mediation, this   energy   in our  body  starts increasing though  whole  body  effected  through this    and   every   smallest   atom  of the   body  get charges   but the  most of the   divine energy  flows  through /  control   /  having way  through our  backbone. this is  the  main route.  There  are   so many  divine  chakra  are in it and  there are various   process   for  awakening  them  and  controlling  flow  of  divinity  through them.

When   we  sit on the  earth  without   having the sitting  mat  beneath us, this  simply means   there  is  no   insulated  medium  between  us  and  the  earth, as the  earth  is  much  bigger  mass  and  having  more  powerful  charge/energy so our  body  divine  energy starts flowing  towards  the earth   resultant loss  of energy  from our  body. That’s  why   this  insulated medium   known  as   the sitting  mat  or  AAsan  is   a  necessary object.

Is it always  necessary     to  use  the  Aasan in sadhana process?. generally    answer  is  us   but in some  sadhana  specially  related  to  some secret  sects/or  secret  sadhana/as  described  by the  authorities  of the  subjects  in that  person  can  sit   directly to the  ground, no  need  to use the AAsan. otherwise  generally    the AAsan is  used.

  • One  should  not share/exchange  his  AAsan   with anybody  even  how  much  dearer  other  person is.  There  is  a  chance  some  subtle  karmic  result  can be  transfer  to others or if a sadhak use  others  aasan than  same  phenomena  applicable  to  him. the  aasan which is  used  by a  sadhak  has develops same  divine energy which is  suited  to him  as a  the  times increases. if a  newcomer  in this  field  uses  the   aasan of  some  highly  advance  sadhak than   not only  his   sadhana  process  get affected  but  his  mental condition  also   gets  affected and  he  is  not  able  to handle  that higher  energy  so not able   to sit  comfortably.

  • Some  great authorities  of the  sadhana  world  advice  not  to  wash  your  aasan And  donot  throw anywhere  as  when  if it is  torn.

  • if possible  do not move  or fold  your aasan  if  you  are undergoing    in some  sadhana  till  the  specified  period.(as  for  as possible).no  other  person should  touch your aasan, here  also   the  condition applicable  as  for  as  possible.

  • For  some specific sadhana   specific  type  of  aasan  suggested.

  • As  for as  possible one  should  not   use  the rock  or  wooden  platform  as a AAsan.  You  can place  woolen  cloth  over  that  and    now  can  sit   over that.

  • Woolen cloth  always  consider  the   best, though   for   specific  sadhana  that  can be   other  one.

  • Until  your  divine  teacher  instructs  you  and  provides    you   some  other  Aasan,  using  woolen  cloth   as  the   best option.

  • It  should  have  sufficient  length  and  width  so that   you  can   sit  easily and  comfortably.  So that   your  lower  body  part  should  not  be in touch   with  the   earth.

  • As  for  as  the  thickness  concern,   some  authorities    advices  that    generally  2  inch   roughly 5  cm   thickness  is  ok. but in practice   use  as  much  as a  thickness  that  will  give   you  desired  comfort  and  your  legs  should  not attracts pain. If  thickness   of the  AAsan   will  be  slightly  more  approximately   2  inch  more  in the  place  where  our  hips come  into  contact   with the  AAsan  compare  to the  front side  of the  Aasan, that  would  be  better.

  • When you  are using first time,  them  properly  wash that AAsan  after  that   on regular  interval    you  should  not  wash   that. treat   it  as a  holy  object.

  • Except  meditation sadhana,  when you  are using  Aasan,  each time  when you  are  going to  sit  on that, you  have  to use   some   small process/ritual  to worship it   and  then  you  can sit   and  starts  the  desired  sadhana, remember   if  you are  going  to  sit twice   in a  day  than   you  have  to  do the  same  ritual  for  worshipping the  AAsan  twice.

this   has    great  significance   and  deep  hidden meaning  behind  that.

what is  that…….wait  some  coming post.

Have  a nice  day

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Importance of disha (direction)

Importance  of  disha (direction)

Dear  friends,

How  are  you, hoping  positively  that  you all  are happy  and  have  in good  health.

In any type  of sadhana,  the  direction means  a sadhak  should  be  sitting  facing  some  particular direction  that  may  be  east or west or south etc. why  is it so much  important?. whenever  you have  opportunities  to  go through various  spiritual books specially  that   one,  which  contains   sadhana in details, you would  find   that there  is always  a  instruction,  a sadhak should have  to sit  facing  a  particular/specific  direction  why ? why there is a need  to  sit facing  specific  direction?  What is  the  affects  on the  result  if  one  doesn’t interested  to follow  that  instruction.?

Reason is  very simple  our  ancient  rishies (a  divine  highly  accomplished  soul)  were  also   the  scientist, they were  able  to understand  that  there  are  various  types of rays coming  from a  each direction  though  invisible and  harmless  but  if a person follows  that  it will be  good  for him either  mentally,  physically  or   spiritually. Like,  if a  person  sleeps in such  a way that his/her  head  will be  east facing  and  feet   towards west  facing. He/she  will   have    a good  chance  to have sound  sleep. If  right angle  to this   direction means   north—south direction   than   he  will   have  some  problem in sleeping, reason is  simple  the earth  natural magnetic field  lies in  north  to south direction facing   and  if  we sleep   90 degree  to that direction we  know  that our  body also has  some  magnetic  behavior  so  we  sleep  90  degree  to the  earth natural  magnet direction, resultant  force  upon  our  body  will be  zero.

But we  sleep  parallel to  the earth magnet than resultant   force  will be  more,  so its your  choice. like  that  in the Hindu  way of life, when  someone dead, relative  of that fellow   put the  dead  body on the  ground  facing  north  to  south   direction, here   decay process  of the  body will  be  more faster, this is the reason behind  that. Whether that  should be north  to  south  or south   to  north facing,  there is  deep  meaning and not only simple process  but  scientific  logic  behind  that.

Similarly, for example while  doing  meditation   sometimes it is  mentioned  that sadhak  should  have  to  sit  facing  north  direction, it is  believed   that  from  north direction very pleasant  invisible  waves  emerges  that   help  to  concentrate  and good  for   spiritual process   that may be  related  to  bring positive  result for  the  person who is  doing that,  also  from the   surrounding. This  is the very  simple   reason behind.

As  we  move  deeper  in the  spiritual  field,  we  found   that     spiritual teacher   instructs  some  time  sit  facing  in  any  specific  direction  why  they    do so?  reason may   be  known   by them. here  this is  important that   no direction is  absolutely  good     and  no direction is  bad. here  direction facing that which  we have  to  follow, may be  changeable  depending  upon the  day time/night time and  upon the season also. sometimes for a particular deity one  should   have  to  sit  in a  specific  direction depending  upon the  type  of sadhana, depending the   which  sects/its  teaching  one  is  following, depending  upon the  outcome  of that  sadhana, the  direction  is  changes.

Like  female  deity sadhana specially  wealth provider related  can be  done   in night  time   facing   west direction, sometimes south facing.  this  totally depend upon the  sadhana  deity. each  sadhana  and its  assigned  direction  are  different. There is  no  fix  rule. 

Generally, sitting facing north direction,  consider  very  good  and  auspicious  for  sadhana  that  bring happiness, joy, prosperity and  positivity  to sadhak and the  society.

 In coming post, whenever opportunities arises  we  will  discuss  this  topic  in details.

Waiting for  your kind  comment.

Have a  nice  day.

Monday, April 21, 2014

The Guru - the following points can helps you

 The Guru-  the  following  points   can  helps  you

“Guru” the most  divine  and  most  holy  word ever exists. so many definition about it,we  all know already, that various  others  that are  hard  to  define.In  any  future post,  we  will have  discussion on this  most  divine  word.  Here in this  post  I will  discuss   some  points  that  will help  you   to  choose a  guru  on the path.

This  has  been  very  clear in  Indian  way  of life  that   its the guru,  who  choose a  disciple, disciple  cannot choose a  guru that is   true.  When the times comes, when  divine  mother  blesses  than a   person  will  have/find  a  guru. How  and  when,  what are  the pre condition and  many other  related things  we  will  discuss in future post.

  Here in worldly  sense, for  a ordinary  person like  us, who  wishes  to tread  in the path divine  and  if till  date not already blessed  to have  a guru  or the  time  has not  come   and still we  decided  to   have   a guru   so that   we  will be able  to move  in the path.

Who  knows when such a  desired  yogyta/ability comes  than we  will   have  opportunities   comes  to   meet a  the  guru. but  till that  not arrived yet, what  we  do, generally read   about   some  great  one  from  this  or that sources and  moved to them and  ask  to    accept  us  as  a  disciple.

Here  some  point  that may be  helpful  for a ordinary person like  us, I am discussing, may be  that  will help  you.  Hoping  so.
“guru keje  jaankar   aur pani pive  chhankar”  roughly meaning is  that   chose a  guru  considering all  the  facts  and  drink  water   only  when it   is  free  from impuritirs.

1.Choose  that  great  soul as a  guru, who has  time  to meet  you in  person with ease, not only once  but  whenever  you  have  any difficulty  or  problem arise, when you are  not  in   position to handle  yourself  and  that  probs  put  you  in  position that becomes  a  question  of life  and  death  for  you.

2. If  your  would  be  divine  guru has a  very  huge   following than  you  can  understand  meeting him in person many  times, is out  of  question. Ask  yourself  why you  wanted  to became  his  disciple,  just  because  your  family member or  anyone  who  is  very near to  you  already   a  disciple  of that great one.  In long run  that  will not  serve  the  purpose.

3.If  you  want to have  just  blessing  than  your  earthly  mother  always  bless  you,why not choose her   as a guru, why  not  ask  for her  blessing, after all  our  mother  also  consider as our  first  guru.

4.If  you  desire to learn some great divine science or  some  divine  process Than    thoroughly you  should have  information about your  would  be  guru that whether he  has  having  first hand  direct  knowledge  of that  subject  specially  practical aspect side,  I  should  say  he  should also  be  a   great sadhak  so that  he  could  be  able   to guide  you very accurately, efficiently  in any  practical  difficulty arise  in learning that  divine  science.

5.Before  taking  diksha  or  initiation  from him,  gather  as much  as  information  about him that  will help  you  otherwise after taking  diksha  if  you   have  some  doubt   about him   than this   condition is  not  welcoming.

6.At least you  should have  opportunities  to talk  to  him regarding  your  sadhanatmak   queries  and  confusion   though  any communication means like mobile  etc with ease , if  you  are  not living  very near  to him. since  we  are  not   like  eklavya,  that is  why always  our mind wonderer about  so many doubt.  And  till that  doubt   clear  how  a  person  can  proceed  on this  path divine.

7.Having  a  highly  accomplished  divine  yogi  to be your  guru a  highly  blissful  things  but  if  you  are  not able   to be guided  him  by  personally or not  having  opportunities   to meet him  person   as  and  when   the  real need  arise or no  direct  communication  between you  and  him possible  than  think  twice,  what  purpose  will be  solved.

8.Taking  diksha  just  for  blessing  than  any  accomplished  soul   will   be considered ok  but   if  you   really  keen to  learn the  divine  science  whether  that  may be  mantra, tantra sadhana  secreats  or   any other  sadhana   like  sury vigyan , Chandra  vigyan,  kshan vigyan  or  vaayu vigyan , like that   than  think  about …..are  you  really  moving   in the  right  direction? do  you really have  chance  to learn  that science  directly  from   him? Take  decision  after  wise  thinking.

9.Now  a days  its  almost very very hard   to find  a  divine  one,  who   really  understand  the  meaning  of  being a  true   guru  and  acts  according  to   that. if  he  is  really a true guru, than  we  calls  him  greater  that  bhagvaan  brahma, bhagvaan  Vishnu and  bhagvaan   Mahesh, who  is  really    a living  parbhrahm. though many   are claiming that they  are that, and many  times their  disciple  claiming about  their  guru   such a  things.  But  before  taking  diksha,  you should  be  very very careful. Since     that is  not a  small incident event   but  if  you  know  the   outcome,  whole   you  life  will transform.

10.if  possible  while  choosing  a  divine  one  as a  guru,  if  you  have  opportunities  to discuss this  with  your  mother, father or  some  elder one  or  with  your  spouse  that  would  be  much  wise  things.  If  outcome  of this,  comes positively than   whenever  you  are taking your  gurus name  or  wanted  to  visit  his home  or   you are  fortunate that  he  may ever  visit  your  home  you  do not have   to  worry  about behavior/reaction/support  of  other  member  of the  family.

11.choose  that  divine  one  who  not  only through words  but really   behaves  like  your  spiritual father  and  treat  every   disciples of  him equal and   as    more  dearer  to him   compare  to his  earthly   son/daughter.

12.whenever  any question arise  that  seek the  guidance  from your  guru  compare  to any other  guru brother.

13.  having faith  in the  guru  does not mean  that   you  should  consider  any other   guru brothers  talk/suggestion   equal  to  your  own  guru, just have   respect  to  elders  brother  and  younger  one. every suggestion  made  by  any senior  one  should  be listen  very patiently and   have   thinking  very wisely    if that,   view  seems   right than  think  about  to  follow  otherwise think  twice  and  set aside  that suggestion.

14.your  would  be  divine  one  should  be  a man  of character  and  having high regards/standards  towards  moral and   other positive  values  of the  society  and  law.

15.its  being said  that   you must  have   to  follow   the  instruction   given by  your  guru. but  in today’s  time  you know, in the  reality its  very hard  to find a divine  one  who can be  considered a as  true  guru,  finding them  is  almost very difficult. so  until  you  are  100  percent sure  about your  guru  than   do   as  you are  being instructed. But  if  instruction contains  something  that is  not  considered  right as per  moral  and legal view of  law and  society   than before  doing that   think  twice.

16.that divine  one  should  not be  one  who is  always  asking  you  to give/donate money  sometimes  through this   cause  or that cause. if any  situation arise  than  very carefully  understand  the  reason  behind  that   and   move  slowly not  blindly. otherwise  if  something  went  wrong  than    its  very hard  to  recover  from that .

17.  do not  become  a  fool  while  moving  on the path divine,   the  fools  are  not  liked  by us  so how  can a  divine   one  liked them.  its  the  god  who  has  given  you  a  mind   so use   it on appropriate  place. One  who know  where  to use  his  mind  and  where  to   follow his  heart is  a  man  who can have  success. Blindly  following  can  sometimes   lead   you  in great  danger.

18.untill  you  attain a   higher   spiritual  level ,  you  should   not left  your   self  in the  mercy  of  any  danger  situation. not  just  literally  following the  stories of  some  great  divine  one  or  great disciple, always   think  that   the crual reality  about  this  era. The World  is  full  of  so much mischief/fraud  people. many times  person   took the  decision  thinking that,   in that  book that  great  disciple  of that  great divine   one does that   so I  do the same. resultant  can be   very  disappointing   one.  So  donot  copy  others  even though  how  higher  they  are .

20.  specially   girls  or  woman if  they   are  interested  to move  in this path, they  need  to be extra  careful.  Never  compromise  any  things/act  that is not accepted/advocated  by the society or moral or legal institution. Never accept any behavior that is below  the  dignity of  you. in the name of  sadhana  various  stories comes every days  so  you should  be very very careful otherwise instead of  some  divine joy,  your  are  having tears  of pains. many  such a  stories,  we  all  are  already  aware  of.

21. how a disciple  and  guru  relationship   workes,  there  are  so  many good  books  in the market kindly  read  first , have  a  good   impression of that  but  not  to copy .or  having   impression that  the  same  things  will be  repeated   to you.  Every   true  divine  personality has his   own  set  of rules  or way to test  his disciples. so  read   some  good   books  and  if have  time    read   some  materials  how  person is  being  cheated  by others  in the  name  of sadhana.   move  in the path divine  with  open  heart  and  mind  and  every time   you  have  to be  very careful because   sometimes  life  never  gives  you  another  chance. 

I thinks  following  point  helpful  for  you  to  have  a  divine  one i.e.  guru.  In coming post,  whenever I  will have  time  we  will discuss  more.
I am asking  your  forgiveness  if  something  offend  you.

Have a  nice  day.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Why sadhana so necessary

Why sadhana  so necessary

Dear  friends,

“The sadhana”  words has a very  vast meaning , every aspect   of  life  can  be included  in it, what you need, just change the way to see the  world around you. from sport  to home,  from  professional life  to personal matters  all  can be  included  in it. either  you want to  be  doctor or engineer, than indirectly or directly you have  to follow the  certain  rules/discipline  that can be said   the sadhana. So this  word  has  a  very vast meaning,  but here,  our meaning   of this  words   is  regarding  spiritual   or Aadhtym side.

So many path, so many  types of sadhana, we know. in coming  post I will  write  in details  about but here this post concentrate  on the  aspect of  importance  of sadhana  in our life.

 first  thing  what a  sadhana  can do for  us,  to  induce  some  discipline   in our  life. in any way,  you  have   to   have  some  time   to make  your practice/sadhana. you are ready to learn  what is  the  real  meaning  of   the  word “balance  in life” and how  should  it  be applicable to.

 In the health  point of view  this  can also be  considered  since  at least  you have   some  time   to sit  coolly and peacefully at a place. your bp  and  other  body  function have  some relaxation. What  that is  not possible in  modern  life, most of  the  people   does not know  how  to relax  so in this  way  they/we  learn to  relax.

When your mind and  body  have  some  relaxation, than more  energy  flows  in you result is that  you are  able  to work   with more efficiently  and effectively and that  too in right direction.

So that are some  general benefits. but on spiritual  field  your  progress  now  starts though  very slowly in the  beginning but  as  you advances in the path of sadhana, you will  find  much  peace and  better understanding  of life  or the matters related  to life,  your  view  will be more clear, and   have a heart  that  have  feelings  for  others and   have a  gratitude  towards the  god.

Through  sadhana, you can  have a subtle links  to higher divine  energy field, you can name  that what ever  you want. when you are  doing a  right sadhana  as  directed  by some  higher souls/great souls/accomplished  yogis. you will find  initially,  may be  it seems  little  bit  difficult   to  follow  the  instruction  but as soon  as  your  mind  and  body   have   some  relation  with the  new  divine energy, you will find   much peace  and   you  all  legitimate   desired  goals   are   coming within  your reach. Every  problem of your  life   will  be  solved  though it success  depends  upon many factors.

Through sadhana  your life span can be  increased ,your  wealth related  problem,  your health related  problem, material life related  problem   can be   solved up to a desired level. a proper  discipline  comes  to your life. whatever  your wishes(legitimate  one)  you  are progressing on the  path to materials  that. though its  not a easy  task,  and success can not be  achieved  within a day  or  two,but  you have  too  work hard in this  field.

The sadhana  cannot  be  considered  opposite to  work, as it seems  but this  is  a  higher  level of  karm. through sadhana   you  are  able  to know    your hidden qualities and   your hidden powers some times  miraculous  one  also  possible. many such stories  we  all know  already. But  it depends  which sadhana  process   you are  following ,  what are  the  instruction  and   who is  giving that  and  most  importantly  how   you are  following them.

Many times  its  been written that  a man is  true  image  of  god  or  man is  most  important   object in  whole  creation of  the god,  so  what is  that   qualities  and   how  we  are able  to achieve  that   the  way is  only  through sadhana. otherwise  our  whole  life  is like a  machine. we have  read  so many  true  stories of spiritual  giants  or related to some highly accomplished  yogis   how  they  can perform the miracles, naturally   through  knowing that  divine  rules or divine  power  which  lies  inside us    about   which  we  know  not .  but here   again through sadhana   this  can be  possible.

 One  thing  should  be  clearly   understood  that   this path   contains  various  obstacles,  many tests  many trials   and  very very  difficult   hardship, even crossing all those  does not guarantee  that     after  that  you  will   have  some  power. what we  read  about  those  great ones  miraculous  powers  stories  but hardly  we come  across  the  sadhana  life details of them. If you  have  read or opportunities    comes  to read  such a  book  you will  find   how lengthy and hard   their path   were.

In this  world  nothing  comes  free,  so  we should be ready    to  work  very hard  with smiling face   and  have clear  understanding that  the  journey to this  path is  not easy.

 A  proper   balanced   life  of  having totalities   in life, that  can be  achieved  through sadhana and  if we  are able to  do  our best  for  our nation,  our society   for  our   family  and   have  achieved  equal  level of success in our sadhana, than a  life  can be  said   complete   one. Otherwise  only  having success in the  material  world , cannot  achieve  totality  of the life .
 think about a  minute .

Have  a nice  day

Friday, April 18, 2014

Family and the sadhana

Family and  the sadhana

Dear friends,
It is commonly found that  family(member of the family)  does not  support us, when question arise regarding sadhana matters, majority of  sadhak specially new one expressing their thought with these words and it is  found  it is  true but  up to a certain level. its natural that modern days life becoming more and more complicate and  need  to  fulfill both hand needs  is  so much  tough  than a common person hardly can get time  for sadhana. when someone in our family tries to has some inclination regarding sadhana, other member of the family  just has opposite  view.

What will happen through sadhana, whether one may able  to show miracles in some  predefined  time or able  to  do  some  wonderful. there is  no surety/guarantee about  it, so in the  eyes of  others its just a  waste of valuable  time. new sadhak  when  try to  devote  more and more time in sadhana, this  is  natural initially this  happens. when equilibrium of his life  shifts a little  bit  theses opposition will be more and more.

Why not this  will happen, at least member of our  family  worries  about  us and for  our well being.  when in this  present time so much fraud happening the name  of divine path and this divine  science i.e. sadhana. why should  not they has to worried. Daily news  of  so much fraud in the name of  sadhana  shakes our  heart and  souls.

Anyway what is more important that is to win favor of our near and dear one, do your assigned duty  and assigned responsibilities with full heart and promise to yourself that should not involve any  anti social activity or should not take any unrealistic task that will harmful  to you and  your family prestige , in the name of  sadhana.

Since  there  are various  types of  sadhana  and  there were  various  rumors/false stories  spread  in the  name  of sadhana so its quite natural reason for  their  worries. now  so many cheating/fraud cases  comes into picture  in the name of sadhana so one  should  be  very careful and if he has  with  him  the  trust of  his  family member  than it will be so good.

You should provide  update  to your elder one  from  time  to  time  so  no fraud  can be possible.

Another important point is that initially, when a new sadhak entered in the world of sadhana he  will  devote  much  time in that and invest  very less  time  in family matters that should not be happened. a proper  balance is always needed. one should not forgot that the real world is  standing  on the present realities not  on the future possibilities. so  the material  world  reality also  keep in  our  mind.

If  one is a  student and  has inclination in this  field  than  he  should  have  promise  to  himself that because of  his  sadhanatmak activity his  study  should not get affected/suffered and  other member of his  family should not blame sadhana for his decreasing grade so he must have his main concentration on his study first than the question of sadhana field arises. if he has a solid  background  of  study than it will help  for  him  to understand various  aspects  of  the sadhana world, so many  great  authors  has written so much about this spiritual  field, for to  understand  that  and  improve  himself, having a proper  education  base  also  be important  factor.

Various sadhanatmak books contains so much complexities than to proper understanding them,  if  one  has  a hard working  habit regarding  reading and  study  also  helpful.

If one is a working  person than he must has  to   first concentrate  on his  professional activities  after that he  has  to manage   his  remaining time in such a  way so a proper balance  arises. if  you  are house  wife  than your  first  priority to fulfill needed family duty towards your husband and  children and after  that  if some  remaining  time  you have than plan your sadhanatmak activity in such a  way  that  no conflicts will arise and if there is conflicts  than have  discussion with elders  and  dear  ones  so a solution can be  found.

if that is not  possible  than you have  to look,  where  in day  time you find  time in that no one  disturbs  you, selects  that  time.

In the  beginning  do not  expects  that  everybody is  ready to provide you his  full  cooperation  but  your sincerity on this  path your ability to manage  your responsibilities  surely  provide   you  a way. Inwardly continues  pray to god to  guide you  a  right direction. Frequents quarrels in the name of sadhana is  not justifiable.

In the  name  of sadhana   you  do not   have  to sacrifice   your  family happiness   or  your  health .

One  should  be  happy and  energetic, those  who are in this  field  or want to enter   sadhana   field, why need  to make tense face  or worried  face, this  will be no  help either  your spiritual side  or  family front  but  having  a pleasant voice  and  smiling  face  with caring attitude for  others,  will win    situation. one  who  really has  a deep love  and  devotion towards  god, how  he  can be in sad mood.

 it should happen when anyone  sit  or talk    to you,  his  heart also  fills  with  the  divine  energy that  you are carrying in your heart  and  souls and off course  in  your face. remember  you  do not have  to just  make false smile. That will not  serve the purpose. Off course its being said that our  emotion has  direct relation  with our  face so, if  we  try to  smile  or having smiling face  than naturally  our inwardly our emotion definitely will change.

Another  important   point is  that unnecessary  donation in the  name  of charity,  in this  regards  I should  say   keep in mind   that  should  be always  according  to the size your pocket after  considering all  aspect. if any time you  have to  take decision regarding something big than you must  have  prior discussion  with   your  near and  dear one so that a  proper  family  supports  always   be there, and  they are also   have  in impression that   you are giving  due  respect to  their view.

So when everybody  happy  that  should be a  great  help on your  path. if  someone not agree  to your  view  at least   have  discuss  with them. they  are   your  dear one, in time of  need  everybody support  you since  you are also  giving respect  to views, showing  that you cared them. one  should  not   sacrifice  his  material  life/health  and  family responsibilities/happiness  and  duties in the name  of sadhana. At least   one  should  always  try  for  his  best so  that a healthy  environment can  be  developed in your home. one  great   yogi has said  that  the  environment is  more powerful than  will power.

Have a nice  day  

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Importance of money

Importance  of   money

Why I choose  to write on this  topic because  for a successful happily living  importance  of  money cannot   be  underestimated. since  a  solid  financial  ground  help  you to achieve  your   goal more easily  either in spiritual side or in material side. Being a  spiritual person or  a sadhak  does not means  that  you should take  importance  of money  lightly, if  it is  so than surely later or sooner  person will  suffer.

Usually  what happens  in life,  when a person whose inclination is too much on the  spiritual side  often neglect  this  money side, thinks that  now  he has  to  more concentrate  on spiritual. what  is reality of life is far behind for him, he is never able  to understand  that  if he has a  solid  financial  back  or  having  good  monetary  background  than  he  can very peacefully march on the path of sadhana.

Earning  a  good amount  of  money and  live a happy comfortable peaceful life generally  considered just opposite to spiritual life. one  can not image  a true sadhak  can live or lead  luxury life. But money or luxury  not  creating  any obstruction  for  a  spiritual life,  in fact  they   can  provide  much  help. the sadhana  is  much related  to inner  world, but  for that too, a real solid support is  needed  until  you achieved  great spiritual  heights.

So it is  at most  importance  to understand  this. generally  when we initially tread on this  path our view is much influenced  by others  or some  fancy thought lies in our mind  that  we  will do  this  and  that too in so much time  but  after spending some  time, on the path divine, we  found that   our  life  instead of   became  easy become more  complicated. this is not the era  that  one  go to forest  and achieve success in his  sadhana  over  there. Things   and time   change a lot  and  majority  of  us live  in the same  idea  and  we  try to copy  the  life  of some  great  souls, but it was their  life and  that era/environment/social life were totally different to what we are living now and one  should understand  that no two person are same  in this  world, how it is  justifiable to copy  others  life  that too  blindly.

Majority of the  great souls or  one  can say param yogis/sadhak/siddhas,  who  achieved  success and  those name are shine like a sun  in the  sky, this or that way related  to very rich family  or were  from royal family. either they have many brothers  or other  family members (having enough capabilities)  who could take the  responsibility of their  mother, father and other dear one. i am agree  that  some of them belongs  to middle class  family but can we imagine their hardship. When, now a day  nuclear  families are common, now a days the people  not having  much  time  to solve  even their  own  problem, than who has  time  to  look  your  family And its totally unwisely   to set aside the welfare of the whole family and  close  our eyes from  their side .

One  should  work hard   to earn money( offcourse thorough legitimate way)  since  hardworking  qualities also  helpful on the  path divine. Patience is also  a key to success.  Theses  two tools   are a great help  to those  who want success in either aspect of the life. Ultimate success on the path divine is not a  question  of a  week or months hard work  but  it’s a  journey  that may take  several years of hard working and  there is  no  guarantee that you will get success even after  so many years.

Its  rightly says  that   success is a journey and  its  not a  destination that too be  achieved. so its  quite  obvious that in journey …money importance  always   be. Here, my emphasis  is on the point that  one  should  not be a money making  machine. But  he should wisely  divide his daily activity/ time  so that  every aspect  of life be fulfilled. Yes I am agree that its not so easy as it seems but one  can hope  and  try  his best. otherwise  if  you,  for a  moment achieve  success  that  too, on the price  of your health or the happiness/well being  of your  near and  dear one, what will be the use  of that. So one  should  not be  so selfish.

If  we  plan our life wisely taking into consideration of all our responsibilities and liabilities and  because of  that,  may be our  speed  on the  path  divine  will  be  too  slow  but   that  would  be  much appreciable, since we are not showing back to the real life challenges  but  facing them bravely and also moving on the path divine.

Success on the path divine  depends  upon many factors and one can devote/invest most of  his valuable time only, when he  have  some solid background, otherwise sadhana path may be  highly trouble some for him and without the  peace  of mind, how  one can concentrate/put his heart on his  sadhana.

Here sadhana may be of any kind but one should not forget that no path is  easy, lots of visible  and  hidden challenges/tests are always waiting  for  him.

It would be  nice  if one proceed on this  path  with slowly and  firmly way, though  progress  may be  too less  but you are  a winner. you don’t have  to sacrifice  either aspect of life, you do not have  to compare your life/aim/goals with others. You  have  to  be just  your self. others has  to achieve  their life  goals, fulfill their destiny  but you have  to yours. 

One should  not has  this  impression that  through sadhana  one  will  be  so rich  within a  week or two. That is not possible. there is no such a things,  the life is very unpredictable, what lies ahead  who knows, one should  have  his  feet firmly on solid  ground(the reality of life).

may be, you can limit  your various  material wishes  but should  have  enough to  fulfill your basic material needs and something little more for  to face  odd days and  from the family point  of  view   you  must be  able  to fulfill their needs and  wishes  as  per  your circumstances. one should not force his view even how spiritual they  are  on others. each one  has  full freedom   to live his life without creating problems  to others.

So  one  should  be  courageous and  winner  on both the  aspect of life, though  initially it may  very difficult   but  your inner  achievement  will  be  not  only  joy  for  you  but  it’s a  pride for  your near and dear ones . 

Have a nice  day